Abstract Visualism in NE MUTATIONS series of paintings

Abstract Visualism artworks

Abstract visualism is a very unique variety of abstraction. Vidal Toreyo uses optical effects in his abstraction artworks. Applies deep dark, matte fragments. Elements of the painting with thick metallic paint, with an expressive drawing. Others, covered with thick glass varnish, emit intense reflections – the color covered with them disappears and the reflected light appears. 

Additionally, metallic surfaces have their own unique color, for example, they shine with aluminum, copper and gold. Additionally, the unique painting technique used by the artist when viewed closely, creates the impression of depth and vibrating movement. Toreyo offers us a living abstract visualism image that is in constant interaction with the viewer and that is constantly changing. 

Abstract visualism is often otherwise known as op-art. Vidal Toreyo offers us optical illusion artworks. Moreover that is interaction with the viewer. It is an art direction whose task is to influence the viewer’s vision. This direction belongs to the trend of abstract painting. Influencing the viewers’ intellect or emotions is of less importance. Vidal Toreyo uses optical illusions and light effects in his painting. 

Optical illusions in Vidal Toreyo artworks

Optical illusions in abstract visualism occur as a result of the brain misinterpreting the image under the influence of contrast, shadows, and the use of colors. This phenomenon causes the brain to be mistaken automatically. In other words, delusions arise from the automatic mechanisms of perception that usually aid perception. Our mind learns pattern behaviors, which is why it sometimes interprets phenomena unexpectedly. It can be an interesting tool in creating works of art.

One of optical illusions are mirages. A mirage is a fascinating reflection and light absorption phenomenon. A very unique phenomenon – depending on the place from which it is viewed. Lighting is very important, it has the greatest impact on the viewer’s perception. The picture is constantly changing creating vibrating and pulsating abstract visualism artwork.